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网址:www.au08.cn  2023-09-05  作者:admin    阅读:

百度竞价和SEO是搜索引擎营销的两个分支,看似毫不相干,实则存在很多的关联,今天我们就来一起谈谈百度竞价对企业 网站优化提升排名的重大作用。
Baidu bidding and SEO are two branches of search engine marketing, seemingly unrelated but actually closely related. Today, we will talk about the significant role of Baidu bidding in optimizing and ranking corporate websites.
当我们拿到一个企业网站准备进行优化的时候,我们会尽自己的最大努力去做好基础优化部分的内容,诚然,这样做了之后 提升网站排名是迟早的事情,但是,我们不甘人后,我们想要的结果不仅是提升网站排名,还要以最快速度让网站关键词排 名百度首页,这时候流量成了一个瓶颈。
When we get a corporate website ready for optimization, we will do our best to do a good job in the basic optimization part of the content. Admittedly, it will be a matter of time before we can improve the website ranking. However, we are unwilling to be left behind. The result we want is not only to improve the website ranking, but also to quickly rank the website keywords on Baidu's homepage. At this time, traffic has become a bottleneck.
Due to its own limitations, the traffic on corporate websites is often not high. It is natural for people to think of sending external links to major platforms. However, it is very difficult for corporate websites to obtain stable traffic through sending external links.
那么,怎么办呢?百度竞价是良方,当然开通百度竞价不是为了去做网站优化,而是如果企业有条件有需要去开通百度竞价 ,那无疑也能推动企业网站的优化的进程,因为百度竞价每天都有稳定的流量,而一个拥有稳定流量的网站百度会更容易发 现它的价值。
So, what should we do? Baidu Auction is a good recipe, of course, opening Baidu Auction is not for website optimization, but if a company has the conditions and needs to open Baidu Auction, it can undoubtedly promote the process of optimizing its website, because Baidu Auction has stable traffic every day, and a website with stable traffic will be easier for Baidu to discover its value.
我 们可以利用百度竞价去投放正在优化的目标关键词,这样此关键词以及该关键词的相关长尾词就能获取稳定的搜索点击流 量,这恰恰迎合了百定网站建设  伺服液位仪  防撞墙模具 唐山护栏 遮阳网 度的流量点击算法,而那些关键词排名居于百度第二页、第三页的网站往往并不是内容不够丰富、外链 质量不够高、布局不够合理,而是这些企业网站根本没有足够的流量,尤其是百度搜索点击流量。
We can use Baidu Auction to post the target keywords that are being optimized, so that this keyword and its related long tail words can obtain stable search click traffic, which precisely caters to Baidu's traffic click algorithm. However, websites with keywords ranking on Baidu's second and third pages often do not have rich content, low quality external links, and unreasonable layout, But these corporate websites simply do not have enough traffic, especially Baidu search click traffic.
